Kbase Number



Roundtable TSMS Corrupted Output from Repository


This knowledge base entry affects users running Roundtable in an AppServer configuration with the Roundtable AppServer residing on a Unix/Linux operating system.

When running on Unix/Linux, the Roundtable TSMS server utilizes OS utilities to process repository data. More recent versions of Linux contain an updated version of the 'ed' command that is used by Roundtable scripts. This change in behavior causes an issue when reconstructing objects extracted from the Roundtable repository.

This change was introduced in 'ed' v1.14.x.

If you are running the Roundtable AppServer on a recent release of Linux, then you may be impacted by this issue. Check your version of 'ed' by issuing the following command from the Linux command prompt:

ed --version

If your version is 1.14 or higher then you are impacted.

To correct and/or prevent the issue, you must first modify rtb/script/_rtbgetver.sh script.

Change the line that reads:

(cat ${2}; echo '1,$p')


(cat ${2}; echo '1,$p'; echo 'Q')

This will prevent the issue from occuring moving forward.

To fix any corrupted data:

1. Create a Task and check out any objects that need repair.
2. Correct the contents as needed.
3. Check-in the changes being sure to select the 'Store Full Source' option on the check-in dialog.

This modification will be included in any subsequent Roundtable TSMS patch or release.